Experience That Runs Deep

Wetlands are a rich, complex ecosystem that require special care and stewardship. Whether swamp, marsh, or bog, our scientists love weighing in on these multifaceted projects.

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We help you maximize positive outcomes for both the project and important mammal species.

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Terrestrial Invertebrates

Rare insects, moths, and butterflies may be small, but they can make a big impact. Normandeau is skilled at identifying and analyzing these species for your next project.

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Amphibian & Reptiles

Our team has expertise in key amphibian and reptile species and can track them down for assessment in their primary habitat.

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Wetland flora is essential to maintain a truly balanced ecosystem. Our botanists know plants and have the tools needed to survey them.

Biological Laboratories

Biological Laboratories

Our laboratories specialize in the analysis of freshwater, estuarine, and marine macroinvertebrates; plankton; and ichthyoplankton samples. Our labs process thousands of samples each year and are scalable to meet project needs.

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Second to None

Second to None

Hundreds of years of combined experience means Normandeau has the know-how you need to navigate permitting.

Our Qualifications

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Schedule a call with one of our scientists to discuss your next project.

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