
Normandeau is well known for its ability to undertake complex field programs and to mobilize personnel, team members, and necessary equipment to complete projects on time and on budget. Our field teams are able to scale appropriately and mobilize quickly for the scope of a project. Our teams are supervised by Field Operation Supervisors with decades of experience collecting samples from terrestrial, aquatic, and marine environments. We design collection programs and perform sampling to exacting standards based on both regulatory and client needs.



Normandeau maintains an extensive fleet of vessels, vehicles, and other equipment necessary for the successful execution of monitoring programs. Our inventory of field sampling gear includes numerous types of fish nets, trawls, and traps (e.g., gill nets, fyke nets, otter trawls, and seines); backpack electrofishing units; benthos samplers; several types of current meters; YSI water quality testing instruments; sediment grab samplers; gravity corer; vibracorer; acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCP); and global positioning systems (GPS).


Our robust fleet of 50 vessels ranging from collapsible canoes to 42-foot research vessels with Coast Guard licensed captains includes 37-foot trawlers, 25-foot high-speed research vessels, a coring barge, numerous workboats ranging in size from 18 to 22 feet, and specially equipped electrofishing boats.

Project Resources Vessels1 - 800 x 800

Parker - Length: 25 Feet

Heavy Equipment & Gear: Strong back frame, mast and boom, hydraulic winch, bottom trawl, Tucker trawl, portable Sonar Transducer Pole Mount, beam trawl

Project Resources Vessels2 - 800 x 800

Pannaway - Length: 37 Feet

Heavy Equipment & Gear: Stern gallows, mast and booms, two winch drums with 1,000 feet (300 meters) of .25-inch diameter steel cable, Portable Sonar Transducer Pole Mount, bottom Trawl (otter, beam, and epibenthic sled), Tucker trawl

Project Resources Vessels3 - 800 x 800

Woody 1 - Length: 42 Feet

Heavy Equipment & Gear: Stern A-frame with 2,500 lb (1,134 kg) capacity, two Downeast winches (port/starboard) with 1,200 feet (366 meters) of .25-inch diameter steel cable, mast and booms, Portable Sonar Transducer Pole Mount, bottom trawl (otter, beam, and epibenthic sled), Tucker trawl

Project Resources Vessels4 - 800 x 800

P2 (Privateer) - Length: 24 Feet

Heavy Equipment & Gear: Mast and boom, hydraulic winch, bottom trawl, Tucker trawl, Portable Sonar Transducer Pole Mount


Vibracoring Barge


Electrofishing Boat

Biological Laboratories

Normandeau operates two large biological laboratories in the Northeast, with several personnel who hold Taxonomic Certification from the Society for Freshwater Science. Our labs specialize in the analysis of freshwater, estuarine, and marine macroinvertebrates; plankton; and ichthyoplankton samples. This level of capability is rare in the biological laboratory field. The combined strength of our laboratories provides our clients with a broad expertise and compliance with project schedules.

Our laboratories consist of over 4,000 square feet of workspace. For major processing efforts, additional space and equipment are available to efficiently expand our staff. Our equipment includes dissecting and compound microscopes, Sartorius and O’Haus analytical balances, drying ovens, a muffle furnace, inverted scopes for phytoplankton analysis, micro-projectors for fish scale reading, Motoda and Folsom sample splitters, and cameras for imaging at the microscopic level.

Technical Data Processing

Technical Data Processing

Our technical data processing group has extensive experience with data management involving long-term environmental monitoring databases. Normandeau Associates provides robust data handling capabilities through experienced programmers using SAS system software. Our experienced staff develop project-specific software tools for data entry verification, quality control checks, data conversion to required formats, and processing to create the necessary file structures. The SAS system allows our data analysts to integrate data products from various sources and to generate data that can be readily imported into other data analysis systems.

Our commitment to high standards for data integrity is supported by a rigorous standard operating procedure for data processing. Following data entry or acquisition of electronic deliverables, additional quality control inspections are completed. This process typically includes project-specific check routines based on logical checks and random sampling of records for comparison between database records and laboratory datasheets.

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