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Normandeau Associates Holds Annual Meeting in Virtual Setting


Pam Hall accepts a surprise gift from Normandeau’s ESOP committee.

December 10th marked Normandeau’s Annual Company Meeting. Close to 100 employees of the 100% ESOP employee-owned company tuned into this virtual gathering to review the successes and challenges of 2020, as well as the company goals for 2021. Presentations included an introduction from Board Chair Pam Hall, and reports from CEO Curt Thalken, President Robert Varney, CFO John Mokas, and ESOP Advisory Committee Chair Sammy Cyr. Normandeau also congratulated re-elected board member Robert Varney and welcomed newly elected board member Normandeau Vice President Kerrie Diers.

During this year’s presentation, the ESOP committee gifted long-time Normandeau leader and champion Pam Hall with some winter blooms and a framed copy of its annual photo contest winner. Normandeau’s ESOP photo contest is a favorite among employees and friends alike. Employees submit photos throughout the year and then judges pick their favorites to be featured in a 2021 calendar. Congratulations to this year’s grand prize photo contest winner Chris Baker of our Hampton, NH, office for his beautiful photo “Preparing for night sampling two miles off Hampton Harbor.” And many thanks to all who attended the annual meeting and to Normandeau’s IT department who took on the challenge of orchestrating this meeting and did a truly awesome job.

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