Client: Anonymous
Project Highlights: Vibracore samples were collected at 262 locations over 26 days using 1,880 feet of tubing. In addition, 101 surface-water samples were collected over 8 days.
Services Provided:
- Vibracore sediment sampling
- Surface-water sampling
Normandeau used a 21-foot coring barge with a submersible vibracore unit to conduct sediment core collection activities on the Delaware River. Normandeau sampled down to a project depth of -20 ft. below sediment-water interface at 262 locations. Normandeau’s primary vibracoring unit facilitates sampling of soft or loosely compacted sediment/soil deposits. The material we use allows for faster coring deployments and immediate inspection of the collected core.
Normandeau used our 18-foot jon boat with a peristaltic pump and Kemmerer sampling bottle to collect surface water samples at 101 locations over 8 days. The Kemmerer bottle was used to collect water samples and fill vials to test for volatiles. The peristaltic pump and dedicated tubing provided a method of collecting surface water into sample bottles for all other water quality analyses.