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Statewide Bat Surveys

Case Studies

Client: Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)

Project Highlights: Less than 1% of survey nights lost to technical issues.

Services Provided:

  • Habitat suitability
  • Acoustic survey with full-spectrum, custom-built recording equipment
  • Automated data upload, management, and initial analysis
  • Review of results by qualified bat call analyst, as required by United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) guidelines
  • Reporting designed to meet MassDOT and USFWS requirements.

Normandeau conducted USFWS-compliant acoustic bat surveys (data collection, analysis, and reporting) and habitat assessments targeting the state and federally threatened northern long-eared bat for MassDOT roadway projects throughout Massachusetts.

Multiple projects were effectively surveyed simultaneously. Tasks included evaluating project areas for habitat suitability per USFWS guidance, survey design and planning, data collection, data QA/QC, manual call vetting as required by USFWS guidance, and creating reporting designed to meet MassDOT and USFWS requirements.

Normandeau provided exceptional survey efficiency with less than 1% of survey nights lost to technical issues, and Normandeau’s automated data upload, data management, and initial analysis allowed for preliminary results within 2-3 days of the survey effort.

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