Sound Science

Remote Bat Acoustic Technology (ReBAT®) for Understanding Bat Activity

ReBAT® is a remote sensing system for collecting, recording, filtering, and analyzing bat acoustic calls without relying on active observer-based monitoring.

Bats and Wind

Bats and Wind

Bat impacts from utility projects can occur directly through collisions or indirectly through habitat degradation and displacement. Understanding what bat species are present and where and when they occur is critical for minimizing impacts to those species.

How Can ReBAT® Help?

How Can ReBAT® Help?

ReBAT® detectors can be deployed across a project area and bat data can be collected and transmitted for analysis without relying on observer-based active monitoring. This reduces costs and improves data collection efficiency for clients who need robust bat data to support their project permitting.

TIMR<sup>SM</sup> Integration

TIMRSM Integration

ReBAT® has the ability to integrate with our TIMRSM smart system for curtailing turbines in the presence of bats within a defined wind speed range. The development of these two technologies together has allowed for tight integration and high performance for our wind clients.

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