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US Wind Offshore Environmental Support

Case Studies

Client: US Wind

Project Highlights: Normandeau continues to provide imagery, supporting materials, and database management for offshore wind.

Services Provided:

  • Aerial Digital Imagery
  • Motus
  • Database management through our ReMOTe site

Normandeau is providing information, presentation materials, maps, and technical support relating to birds and bats offshore. Normandeau is also supporting the client in meetings with regulators and NGOs with materials relevant to birds and bats at a site off the coast of Maryland. Normandeau designed an avian survey plan utilizing existing platforms (FLiDAR buoys sensors) and aerial digital imaging studies designed to monitor the displacement effects on bird species from two sources:

  • The extension of a vessel traffic separation scheme along the edge of the project boundary
  • The effects of a constructed windfarm

Normandeau is managing the ongoing aerial digital studies and continues to work with OceanTech and their buoy-deployed acoustic and MOTUS VHF sensor studies.

Normandeau is also providing a data management system for all wildlife data collected from multiple studies that are proposed or already underway on behalf of US Wind through various contractors, researchers, and universities. is an online data management system developed by Normandeau to manage complex projects with multiple data streams. US Wind has their own portal account accessed through a username and password system, and all data from boat-based, buoy-based, or other remote or visual platforms are incorporated into a central database with a visualization interface. Data streams include boat-based acoustic bat data, mammal studies (PAM array and FPODS data), Vemco fish tag data, and MOTUS VHF receiver data. The client controls what information is public and what remains private.

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