We’re Fascinated With What Flies

Our scientists have decades of experience and unique technologies to help you understand the movement and migration patterns of aerial species in relation to your project.

Bat Surveys

While you sleep, Normandeau’s proprietary technologies are studying wildlife presence, project impacts to bats, and providing insights into suitable mitigation.

Butterflies & Moths

Our scientists know how to track insects and the plants they eat for habitat assessment and mitigation.


Get the data you need to protect these beautiful insects in their natural habitats.

Bird Surveys

Using traditional field methods and new technologies, our ornithologists can work throughout the world in any environment.

Care for Condors

Our cutting-edge work on the California Condor and ReCONTM technology is an example of the successful coexistence among meeting regulatory requirements, commercial project completion, and endangered species growth.

Photo Credit: US Fish and Wildlife Service

About ReCON™
Better Offshore <br/>Wildlife Surveys

Better Offshore
Wildlife Surveys

Our ATOM multi-sensor technology is filling the gaps in data on birds and bats in the offshore environment.

About ATOM

Talk to an Expert

Schedule a call with one of our scientists to discuss your next project.

Get Started

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