Powering Your<br/> Next Project

Powering Your
Next Project

Our specialists and scientists are here to guide you through the regulatory process and provide the research and insights needed to make sound, defensible, science-based decisions from site selection through post-construction.

Services We Offer

We provide environmental consulting services, permitting guidance, and expertise to power transmission line and pipeline projects nationwide.

Environmental Permitting & Regulatory Compliance

Navigate the complex landscape of permitting and compliance from regulatory review to post-construction.

Marine & Freshwater Sciences

If your project goes over water, underwater, or through sensitive watersheds, we can help ensure you’re meeting requirements.

Wetlands & Ecological Services

Minimize impact to wetlands and other fragile ecosystems before, during, and after construction.

Wildlife Sciences

Get the data you need to fully understand how best to protect the wildlife in your project area.

Remote Sensing & Data Visualization

Our advanced proprietary technology offers valuable insights on migration patterns and activity of threatened species.

A Team of Experts at
Your Service

Energy siting projects are highly complex and require numerous experts in the technical, scientific, and regulatory fields. With Normandeau, you’ll work with a range of experts specializing in wildlife sciences, energy policy, and field work.

Normandeau’s survey and mapping specialists have thousands of miles of linear project experience, including roads, bridges, and electric and pipeline transmission. Our wildlife team has done extensive work with rare, threatened, and endangered species including freshwater mussels, bats, and other species. Our senior regulatory specialists include a former EPA Region Administrator and a former US Army Corps of Engineers District Commander, both experienced in successfully navigating complex state and federal permit processes. No matter the stage of the project, our team is here to support you.

From the field to regulatory hearings, our expert team is here to guide you through the process and help you to the finish line.

Connect with Our Expert

Joel Detty

Principal Scientist/Inland Water Group Manager

Mr. Detty is a senior water resources scientist and project manager at Normandeau Associates with twenty years of professional experience specializing in surface water quality monitoring and assessment programs. In addition to completing comprehensive field studies to document water quality conditions, Mr. Detty specializes in evaluating project effects subject to state and federal laws and permitting/ licensing requirements, particularly under state Water Quality Certification programs and the federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program.

As a principal scientist, Mr. Detty helps Normandeau clients negotiate often complex regulatory requirements to ensure compliance is met and planned actions can proceed. Mr. Detty has led numerous field investigations and provided analytical support for clients that include power generators, transportation departments, public works operators, municipalities, and commercial/industrial water users. Projects include evaluations of hydropower operations effects on water quality; industrial thermal/chemical discharge effects on receiving waters; mixing zone determination and verification; as well as assisting agencies, municipalities, and developers with stormwater management.

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